Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Starting TCG Abilities

1 - Switch (Switch the card you drew, for the next card in your deck)
2 - See Next Draw (See your next draw before your next turn)
3 - Instant Field Play (Play a field spell from your deck to the field)

4 - Choose Your Next Draw (If you pass a check, draw whatever card you want from your deck for the draw)

Red Dragon Grand Master Deck

Red Dragon ND (L/H) - 
Red Dragon ND - 
Subspace Barrier (Remove Spell Zone)- 
Left Nut (Equip)- 
Gone a Nutta (Sacrifice a nut equip, destroy a spell card on the field)- 
Panty Raid (Spells) - 
Panty Raid (Take one spell from opponent and play it in your spell field) - 
Red Dragon ND - 
Felatio (+Mouth = Fusion) - 
Mouth (+Felatio = Fusion)- 
Reclaimed Virgnity (Sacrifice 3 cards from hand, destroy one monster)-

The Taker Deck

Dimension Dragon (Requires Dimension Hole to Summon)-
Dimension Hole (Allows for the Play of Dimension Cards)-
Psychic Third Nut (See your opponent's next draw) -
Felatio -
Mouth -
Self Sacrifice (Take damage, destroy a monster on the field) -
Self Sacrifice -
Gone a Nutta -
Burning Rash (Destroy an equip or monster, to destroy a field spell) -
Reclaim Virginity -
Subspace Barrier -

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