Friday, March 3, 2017

Services Available In Game

Tri-Armor Battle Arena
$16 entry fee
$32 prize
Battle against another hero wielding Tri-Armor. Tri-Armor can only be used and worn in the battle arena. Tri-Armor can only affect and be affected by Tri-Armor. Each hero can choose three level 1 abilities for their Tri-Armor. Tri-Armor has 20hp. When your armor is destroyed, you loose.

Dimension Pets
Pets: $8-$14
Question Consultation: $2
Purchase pets with various super powers from other dimensions.

Dimension Pet Battle Arena
Must own a Dimension Pet.
Using a special mind-control helmet, you control your dimension pet in battles against others.
Winning these tournaments allows for one to win a free random dimension pet.

Gordon Baby Battle Arena
Win Interdimensional prizes by battling mind controlled super powered babies.
You must have an interdimensional child in order to compete.

Rex Reptor
Will act as a rival for any interested party, providing a deck of dimensional power cards to new players, and teaching them how to play.

Frog King
Holds interdimensional death races for those who have vehicles equipped with interdimensional technology. Winning these races grants access to new interdimensional equipment and weaponry for their vehicle.

TP Turner (Sentient Roll of Toilet Paper)
Turn yourself into a household inanimate object, that can do anything you can currently do.
$4 for small things
$6 for larger things

Interdimensional Vehicle Dealer (Available via Plane White (NPC Hero))
Protective Vehicle Shield (Allows for interdimensional travel and prevents wear and tear) $30
Interdimensional Engine (Allows vehicles to travel into other dimensions) $21
Hover Adjustments $15

Cat Vestia (Robo-Duplicate Dealer)
For insanely low prices, he sells robotic duplicates of heroes. These duplicates have all of a human's normal capabilities and no powers. These duplicates can only do everyday activities and routines.

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