Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Hatred Character Sheet

Name: Hatred

Health: 38

    • Level 0:
      • Hate Bond: Your hatred for one opponent manifests itself in the Bondsphere. This opponent has an additional -5 bond with you as long as you are in the main dimension. 
    • Level 1:
      • Hate Bond: Your hatred for two opponents manifests itself in the Bondsphere. These two opponents have an additional -5 bond with you as long as you are in the main dimension.
    • Level 2:
      • Hate Bond cannot make an opponent have a total of -20 bond or higher. 
      • Cannot activate an ability that deals damage to an opponent for each negative bond point that opponent has with you.
      • Cannot resist powers that force you into other dimensions. 
      • Cannot activate a power for willed interdimensional travel.


  • Power Suit: Allows for flight, breathing in space, and projecting powerful energy bursts to damage opponents.

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