Monday, February 6, 2017

Synopsis: Issues 1-6

Issue #1 Day One

Tammy sells her motorcycle to the landlord of SpringDale apartments in order to pay rent.

Super Woman dies in a battle against a giant squid in Downtown SpringDale.

Blasters misses his classes for the day, in order to battle and defeat the giant squid.

It is established that SpringDale is a town of many heroes, and that the city is regularly plagued with monsters that seem to be straight out of science fiction.

Blasters' base of operation is located in the Grand Canyon which is only 3 miles away from SpringDale.

Issue #2 Day Two

SpringDale University is attacked by Flame Lord.

Flame Lord was specifically targeting Professor Bottom Long, the head of Mythology at SpringDale University.

Hercules defeats Flame Lord and discovers that Professor Bottom Long is also a super villain.

Professor Bottom Long has been hiding away in a secret underground base, located behind an entrance disguised as a book case.

In his base, Professor Bottom Long was attempting to conjure a Pegasus, by using the Pegasus Pearl.

He however never was able to successfully conjure a Pegasus, and instead conjured suicidal unicorns.

Hercules trapped Professor Bottom Long in his own base and alerted the other heroes, each of which then ridiculed Hercules for his ridiculous story.

Hercules sacrifices his bag and a golden apple he picked from SpringDale University in order to gain access to his own private gym located under Granny's Apples, a successful fruit store run by Eris the God of Chaos.

Hercules is now forever cursed to bring every golden apple he finds back to Eris, or die.

It is established that Gods, Unicorns, Golden Apples, Demigods, and magic exist in this world.

While the world of myths is quite real, the city of SpringDale is unfamiliar with the existence of magic, and most don't even believe it exists.

Flame Lord was arrested by the authorities and is currently locked in SpringDale maximum security prison.

Hercules's base of operations is located in a Temple of Zeus, located under a Catholic Church in the city of SpringDale.

Issue #3 Day Three

Manos Dies stops the Apocalypse after drinking his morning coffee, saving the city of SpringDale, and overshadowing its once most famous hero, Captain Super.

The city of SpringDale after coming face to face with the apocalypse becomes more open to the existence of the supernatural.

The demon Legion (Bloodorn), was slain by Manos Dies.

During his battle with Bloodorn, Manos Dies had to redirect a flood of blood away from the city of SpringDale and into the Grand Canyon.

Manos Dies's base is located in a secret room, located in the back of a Catholic Church in SpringDale.

Hercules was at Mt.Olympus during the events of Issue #3.

Blasters was at his base during the events of Issue #3.

Issue #4 Day Four

Manos Dies is forced to mate with a race of inter-dimensional beings, after it is revealed his math teacher was from another dimension and had kidnapped and brainwashed his young sidekick Gabriel.

With the help of the Archangel Micheal, Manos Dies is able to save his young sidekick from the brink of death at the hands of Professor Apple Bottom.

Professor Apple Bottom is still at large, and continues to teach at SpringDale University.

The spawn of Manos Dies and the inter-dimensionals will usher in a new era of super-humans, unless someone can foil the plans of Professor Apple Bottom.

Issue #5 Day Five

Today is the day of Super Woman's funeral.

Blasters wakes up early, and travels to his base to check his super computer from crime alerts, when suddenly Tammy arrives and his base his flooded with blood (due to the events of Issue #3).

Manos Dies sends two Djinn over to rescue Blasters and Tammy from the Blood Flood.

Blasters unlike in issue one, is able to make it to class, however he arrives early and decides to walk around campus.

Blasters encounters, befriends and then murders Baby Sprout, a grass titan with the head of a human baby.

Blasters' battle with Baby Sprout results in a crater forming in the SpringDale University courtyard.

Professor Bottom Long escapes his underground base through the crater.

Blasters steals the Pegasus Pearl from Professor Bottom Long and a battle ensues.

With the help of Manos Dies, Blasters is able to defeat Professor Bottom Long and save SpringDale University from utter destruction.

Issue #6 Day Five

Classes are cancelled at SpringDale University due to the events that unfolded during Issue #5.

Manos Dies and Blasters attend Super Woman's funeral, where her body was stolen by re-animated, floating, corpse hands.

A mid-air battle unfolds above the city of SpringDale, as Super Woman's body is re-animated with inter-dimensional energy and she attacks our heroes.

Captain Super, Super Woman's husband, is bitten by Super Woman and suffers from inter-dimensional zombification.

Together Manos Dies and Blasters are forced to work together in order to kill Super Woman and Captain Super.

Many of the re-animated, floating, corpse hands are surrounded by indestructible duct tape and escape underground.

SpringDale citizens don't know what to think at the loss of their once beloved heroes, at the hands of Manos Dies and Blasters.

Manos Dies returns to his apartment only to discover that Gabriel has once again been kidnapped by Professor Apple Bottom.

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