Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jank Heroes Remix || Jack Knife Character Sheet || As of Issue One

Jack Knife || Goner (22 age) [1d4 +/-  your real age]
32hp [3D20]
Power: 23  [2D20]
Speed: 22 [2D20]
Wellspring Mage [Wellspring Mage, Crystal User, Gadget User]
Mimicry Magic [Make Believe Your Magic Type]
Illusion of Anything I've Seen (Cost 5 Mana) [Weakest Magic Power = 5 mana cost]
Mana: 35man / 30man [3D20]
$30.90 [3D20]
2nd floor of apartment building [1D20]
Secret Base: 2nd Floor of Springdale Apartment Building
40lb Bag
Subspace Communicator
Interdimensional Studies Student
Occupation : Panhandle ($2 an hour) [1D10]
7am [6+1d4] class 1st [1d4] floor Room #116A

1 comment:

  1. Magic: Select a magic family for studying and advancing
    Weakest Magic: Not specifically always 5 mana
    Mana: Only available to mages, should be 30/35
    Jobs: Pay scale changes based around the job itself.
