Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jank Heroes Remix || Episode One

Jack Knife after being guided by a mysterious voice in a dark void awakens in his base.

In the void he was trapped in a glass globe for a period of time in which he was shown a number of possible destinies as reflections in the glass, and given a speech about how he can form his own destiny as the glass orb shatters and frees him.

Free of the glass orb, Jack Knife is shrouded by darkness and a gold gate appears in the distance.

Jack approaches the gate and attempts to touch it, but finds that his hand phases through it.

He attempts to ask the mysterious voice a number of questions but the voice refuses to answer.

Jack suddenly realizes that in this world he is naked.

Jack attempts to sleep in the darkness, but finds that he is unable.

He begins to believe that he may not get hungry, need to sleep, or even be able to sleep in this void world.

As he starts to realize that in this world he may be immortal, the golden gate vanishes and reappears under him.

Once he awakes his base after falling through the golden gate, he then has a nice shower, after exercising and gets dressed.

He opens an email from the Magic High Counselor and learns that he has the ambassador of the Wellspring.

Jack Knife eats breakfast for ten cents at the first floor Springdale Diner of Springdale Apartments.

He then talked with the owner of the interdimensional pet store, and learned of the many pets that were available.

Most are really expensive, other than the bird ($10) and mouse ($5).

Jack eventually arrives at Magic High, and travels to his first floor classroom, 116A, where he is greeted by his unnamed Giraffe Interdimensional Travel Basics teacher.

After correctly answering an unintelligible question that was given to him in Interdimensional tongue, Jack Knife convinces the teacher to allow the class to form into study groups.

Jack first encounters a very short king who berates Jack.

Jack humbles himself before the king, and the king drops his hard demeanor and throws $2 in his face.

The King reveals that he is only hard on people because no one respects him.

No one respects the king because he has no people in his kingdom.

Jack Knife reveals to the king that he is the ambassador of the Wellspring, the source of the world's magic, and the land where all magic users are born.

The King however doesn't believe Jack at first, but Jack convinces the King to meet him after class on the roof where Jack and demonstrate his magic and rest in private.

Jack knows that if he demonstrates his magic, he will be weakened and need to take a rest in order to regain his mana.

Jack however is afraid that if he rests on the roof, a bird will shit on him.

The King offers to watch him as he sleeps, and hold an umbrella over him.

Jack looks around the room to find more people to join his study group.

He notices a rainbow kid and a warrior girl.

He stops for a moment and checks his subspace communicator for images of castles.

Jack asks the Warrior girl if she has a leader or a code of honor, but he phrased it as if he was hitting on her.

Warrior girl didn't take to Jack's advances too well and told Jack to mind his own business.

The Warrior girl asked what Jack wanted from her, and Jack invites her to become the King's first knight.

The Warrior girl said that the king was pathetic because he had no one else in his kingdom.

After class, what Jack and the King went to the top floor of Magic High, which is a four story building.

After a short ritual, Jack demonstrated his ability and formed an illusion of a five story castle atop the Magic High building.

The King is in awe of Jack's power and bows before him.

Jack asks the King to rise, as Jack wishes to join the King's kingdom and become his ambassador of magic.

The King attempts to touch the castle, but is shocked and awed when his hand phases into the castle.

Jack attempts to rest, but the King begs him to stay awake and explain the workings of his magic.

Jack explains that he is currently weak, and needs to increase his power in order to create more powerful illusions.

However Jack does not know how to, and reveals this to the King.

The King however does not care, as he promises to do whatever he can to help Jack achieve his goals.


  1. Bond
    The bond dimension through a selfless act, merged with the crystal dimension to make the crystal dimension more durable. However, most traces of the bond dimension vanished. At the time of fusion, the crystal dimension sent out an energy wave throughout the multiverse. This wave contained the last portions of the bond dimension and gave life the ability to grow stronger through the power of bonds. If all life were to die, so too would bond.

    Affinity Chart
    The subspace communicator can keep track of an individual's bond with others. Bond goes from 0 - 10 and negative bond prevents progression with that specific individual.

    Zoul is the power of bonds manifested. All people have bonds in some capacity, but only those that choose to fight have zouls. The power of zoul increases with the bonds formed with others. These bonds can unlock the hidden potentials of an individual.

    Zoul meter and Zoul bursts
    The first bond that an individual raises to level 5 will grant the individual access to the zoul meter and zoul bursts. The zoul meter keeps a record of what zoul bursts are available and how many of each are available. Zoul bursts are the most potent manifestations of bond. They are powerful actions that can have a variety of effects based upon the particular bond. Zoul bursts are unlocked at the 5th and 10th level of bond with a person, granting an individual up to 2 zoul bursts for each bond. If an individual has negative bond with someone that they have a zoul burst with, they will not be able to use it.

  2. The World and SpringDale
    King X, a force of destruction, moves throughout the multiverse, erasing all in its path. Heroes that indicate their worth as inter-dimensional protectors will be given any one item enchanted by the Energans, a race of plasma controllers. The item will contain the soul of an Energan and will enable manipulation and generation of constructs.

    The Grand Canyon, which is only 3 miles from Springdale, is filled with blood.

    Golden Apples can grant an individual any random power and Golems of Power can be fought for the power they utilize.

    Mirrors do not exist, you are guided by a mysterious voice that shatters all mirrors, indicating that the path n front of you is yours.

    The Wellspring is the source of all sorcerous magic.

    Two ninja clans have been at war with each other for centuries. They are the White Kitsunes and the Black Dragons. These ninjas utilize ninja magic in the form of power scrolls.

    Each universe has a power armor factory on top of a hill. Power armor runs for $5000 and the area around the factory suffers from constant fighting as people try to reach the factory.

    Along with the normal stores of the multiverse, there exists Richard's Emporium of Inter-dimensional Travel and George's Animals and Pals. REIT sells upgrades and even full vehicles for inter-dimensional travel. GAP sells various animals that can be an individual's pet.

    All players start with a starter bag that can carry 40 lbs worth of stuff. These bags can trace the items that are within them and if the items are taken out by someone who is not the owner, than after a short period of time, it will return into the bag.

    0 crystals are 10 lbs and are regularly usable.
    1 crystals are 5 lbs and require a check for usage.
    2's are abilities that a player are not capable of.
    Each crystal user starts with a .5 crystal, which has the weight and potential of a 0 and 1 crystal.

    The .5 crystal is specific to each hero, all other crystals can be used by any crystal user.

    Power armor is fully immune to the power of the crystals.

    Crystal users can push for more crystals, however this hurts the crystal dimension a tiny bit each time. In order to push, the crystal slot must be empty. Each push can be a 0 or 1 crystal or a 2. Failing the first check prevents the 0 crystal, failing the second check makes the power a 2 and the player takes recoil damage (d20).

    Each player starts with a subspace communicator, a starter bag, a secret base of their choosing, an apartment in the SpringDale Heights, a super computer in their secret base, 3 d20's of money, and the specific starting gear of the hero archetype chosen.

    Players can choose to be a crystal user or a gadget hero (and currently a mage as well). Alternatively, other specific roles are possible, however this will cause changes to the zoul shop for that specific character along with other elements such as starting gear.

    Tribunals are the defenders of the crystal dimension. They fear the might of a certain individual if they involve themselves in the prevention of crystal pushers, so they gather champions to fight for them in death bouts. Champions are given inter-dimensional passes and people without these passes can be taken by the Tribunals and forced into death bouts. There are rewards for whoever wins a death bout and the challenged party is granted a grace period from challenges (which can dramatically decrease if pushing occurs or inter-dimensional travel without a pass occurs).
