Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jank Heroes Remix Basic Character Sheet Template 1

Civilian Name || Hero Name (age) [1d4 +/- your real age]
Health Points [3D20]
Power: [2D20]
Speed: [2D20]
Class [Wellspring Mage, Crystal User, Gadget User]
Power / Magic Type [Make Believe Your Power]
First Spell (if Wellspring Mage) (Mana Cost For Spell) [Weakest Magic Power = 5 mana cost]
Mana (If Wellspring Mage) [3D20]
Money [3D20]
Floor of Apartment Building [1D20]
Secret Base: [Player Choice (Must be in Springdale)]
40lb Bag
Subspace Communicator
Major in School [Player Choice]
School [Springdale University / Magic High]
Occupation [Player Choice] Pay per Hour [1D10]
Hour Class Starts [6+1d4 am] Floor of School Class is On [1d4] #116A


  1. Zoul Shop
    Crystal Users have access to the Crystal User, Gadget User, and skill trees.

    Gaget Users have access to the Crystal User, Gadget User, and skill trees, however they must get a crystal socket before investing in the crystal user tree.

    Mages have access to the crystal user, mage, and skill trees, however they must get a crystal socket before investing in the crystal user tree.

  2. Crystal User tree
    Crystal recoil negated: 10 bond -> crystal socket capable of holding a 0 and 1 crystal at the same time: 20 bond -> 2 removal (up to 3 times): 30 bond.

    Gadget User tree
    Repair relics: 10 bond -> Combine gadgets: 15 bond -> Gadget manipulation: 20 bond.

    Mage tree
    Spell crafter: 15 bond -> Non-tension mana regeneration: 20 bond -> Dual cast: 40 bond.

    Skill tree
    Health, Power, Speed, Mana (only for magic users) (can be invested as much as desired): 1-to-1 stat-to-bond, bond needed and stat boost increases by double after each investment.

    Brace: 5 bond -> Contest Action: 15 bond || Brace Reaction: 10 bond.
    Brace Reaction -> Forward Counter: 15 bond -> Second Wind: 30 bond.
    Contest Action -> Contest Power: 15 bond -> Contest Damage -> 15 bond.
